About Us

Sitar Solutions has been catering to the needs of various Employers across The Greater Toronto Area and even in suburban areas!

We, at Sitar Solutions Inc., help identify and match talent for numerous Employers regardless of Location! We have dedicated team members at your service 24/7!

We are able to find qualified candidates that match your Company's needs and qualifications! We help take the hiring stress of your plate!

Contact Us Today via telephone at 905-799-1707 or email at info@sitarsolutions.com

Our Vision

At Sitar Solutions, we strive to become the top recruitment provider in the area! We understand the important of meeting the customer's demands while also providing qualified candidates!

Our Values

We understand the stress behind finding and hiring the right candidate. That's why, Sitar Solutions is here to assist you in the hiring process! We ensure all our candidates have gone through reference and background checks prior to sending them out into the labour market!